Saturday, July 04, 2009


Audiobooks are great. They're good for exercising, they're good for housework, they're good for any mindless task. This appropriately named iPhone app brings you the hard work of the LibriVox project streamed over the internet (Wifi or 3G/Edge).

Book selection is good but limited to those books in the public domain, but there's more than enough to last a good while. Don't expect Harry Potter and The Davinci Code. This app specializes in the classics. Even Catullus is represented (in Translation) Among the top of the Most Popular list are "The Art of War," "Pride and Prejudice," The 9/11 Commission Report," and "The Divine Commedy." From my listenings thus far, the voices reading the books aren't consistent; Each chapter is read by a different volunteer. This, while it may seem unpleasant, has not proven to be so.

Finding a book is straightfoward, as is resuming where you left off. When you launch the app, there's a friendly green button that will take you to where you stopped; no more misplaced bookmarks. While listening there are controls for navigating chapters and for skipping around within a chapter. There also is a pause/play button and a volume control.

All in all, this is a wonderful app. It's simple and it does what it says on the tin. Thumbs up for concept, thumbs up for execution.

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